Healing Circle Mini-Sessions at Sat Nam Yoga
Every 1st Friday at Sat Nam Yoga I’ll be offering my practice in loving service to facilitate transformation into a fuller, more radiant expression of your truest self. Session are rooted in the Japanese holistic practice of Zen Shiatsu bodywork and ancient Chinese Medicine which works to restore balance by contacting and reading the Qi. Through intuitively led touch on specific acu-points along the meridian channels of the body, inquiry work and energetic healing, deeply held patterns of physical and emotional pain are given the safe space to release with support and in an all-embracing presence to discover true freedom within.
Gather your friends for an evening of exploration and discovering non-invasive healing modalities and energy balancing techniques. Get a tarot reading, ask questions and find direction, all while having a blast and mingling with our network of experience healers and like-minds. Bring something for our veg-friendly pot luck if you’d like!
Entrance Fee: $10
Mini-Healing sessions by donation (give whatever your heart feels appropriate for the length of your session). Please bring small bills to offer healers.
Register online: www.satnamyogachicago.com